blissful light attunements and treatments


Intuition attunements aim to enhance, strengthen or activate your intuition. Intuition is the gut feeling you have when you sense something that needs your attention. Intuition is a wonderful sense to nurture as it connects deeply with your instinctual nature, allowing you to be more in the flow. I recommend considering the Intuition Maintenance Attunement as a good starting point to maintain and enhance your intuition. You may also be interested in psychic development and clair senses attunements.


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10 products

Niemakaiha 852 attunement
Niemakaiha 852 Sale price£ 19.99 GBP
Cerebellum Chakra Activation Maintenance Attunement
Angelic Connections Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Quan Yin Connection Maintenance Attunement
Violet Flame Enlightenment Maintenance Attunement
Live Your Truth Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Angels Of Hidden Knowledge Connection Maintenance Attunement
Shaman Activation Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Archangel Haniel Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Archangel Raphael Connection Maintenance Attunement, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light

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